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Why We Overeat with Maggie Sterling

Sep 29, 2021

Today I am sharing with you a coaching call from Vibe Club. Monika has been in Vibe Club for 1 year and has lost 60 pounds. We coach on her reasons for losing more weight, how to learn when she is actually hungry and full, and having good reasons to lose her last 10 pounds. 


Vibe Club enrollment is closing October 3rd...

Sep 24, 2021

Join us this week as we show you how to respectfully decline food. Saying a simple, “No, thank you,” does not have to spiral into an emotionally charged monologue in your head about whether you’ve upset the other person, and we’re sharing our tips for showing up with the confidence necessary to stick by...

Sep 17, 2021

We invite you to be willing to be experimental with your weight loss journey. We’re showing you the obstacles that are keeping you from tapping into curiosity, the detriments of constantly looking for the next best solution, how to experiment on purpose for weight loss and why doing so gets you closer to knowing...

Sep 10, 2021

We show you why examining the beliefs that are driving your actions is the key to lifelong sustainable change. We’re sharing our favorite methods for breaking the cycle of subconscious beliefs that don’t serve us, and how to begin practicing the skill of intentionally thinking something new. 


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Sep 3, 2021

If you want food to stop being the number one focus of your everyday life, to get more acquainted with your body, and make life more exciting than food, listen in this week. We’re discussing the differences between eating to lose weight and eating to be healthy, how you can begin deconditioning your urges, and how we...