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Why We Overeat with Maggie Sterling

Oct 28, 2022

If I were only able to teach you 1 skill in order to lose weight this would be it. 

And this is the best skill to use during this time of year, when everything seems to get thrown out the window in the name of "holiday season"

This week we're talking about only eating when you're hungry, and stopping at enough. 

All of...

Oct 21, 2022

Submit video questions for future episodes here.

Questions asked on this epsiode...

1. What should I do if I feel hungry at the end of the day but I know I have eaten enough?

2. How do I stop binging on the weekend while I am preparing lunch and dinner?

3. If I have an urge to eat a donut (or something) off plan, how do...

Oct 14, 2022

This week is a sneak peek into what I teach in Vibe Club. This month we're focusing on Food Freedom. This episode is the first of 4 lessons I am teaching in the month of October. Members receive these lessons via our private podcast every Monday this month. 

To join vibe club, go to...

Oct 7, 2022

Have you ever been eating a cookie, treat or snack, and had the thought, “Once I start, I can’t stop!”?

Let’s be real, we all have. 🙈

You eat one cookie, and then suddenly you find yourself going back for seconds, thirds, and sometimes fourths.

In this week’s episode of the Burn Fat With Your...