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Why We Overeat with Maggie Sterling

May 26, 2023

If you're struggling to be consistent, this episode is for you. This week we're discussing 3 easy things that helped us become more consistent, and it's probably not what you think. 

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May 19, 2023

If you feel like you're stuck in the middle of wanting to lose weight and constantly making decisions that go against those goals, this episode is for you. We talk all about what you should do to either start making the decisions you actually want to make, or accept that maybe weight loss isn't that important to you...

May 12, 2023

This week's episode is all about one very specific way you might be making weight loss a lot harder on yourself. Habit creation will get a lot easier if you can start to tweak this one thing.

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Diet Rehab Free Course

May 5, 2023

We're bringing a special episode this week. Susanne is a Vibe Club member that was able to lose her last 20lbs in the midst of a lot of life stress. Through the skills she learned in Vibe Club, she has for the first time been able to maintain her weight loss. 

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