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Why We Overeat with Maggie Sterling

Dec 31, 2021

Your weight loss blanket statements might be keeping you stuck, but all that’s required is a little introspection. So, we’re guiding you through a process of questioning these stories so you don’t get caught in the trap of self-sabotage and can instead get into a groove of determining your next best...

Dec 24, 2021

Listen in this week as we show you the power of not stopping. My New Year’s Challenge is exactly what you need if you want to bust through the blocks that are currently leading to self-sabotage and quitting, and I’m inviting you to join me so you can kick off the New Year in a different way. 



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Dec 17, 2021

Discover the one thing that has made the biggest difference between where we were at the beginning of our weight loss journey and where we are today. We’re showing you why the thoughts you think matter deeply, and how you can begin to slow down the stories that aren’t serving you so you can replace them with ones...

Dec 10, 2021

Tune in this week as we show you how impatience is stalling your weight loss. We’re exploring the types of actions most people take from this frantic energy, why it’s so detrimental to your progress and some of the thoughts and beliefs we've developed that have helped us stop the cycle of torment and instead create...

Dec 3, 2021

Hear how the “just for today” method is the lifesaver you need in challenging times. It’s the tool that will help you focus on what you can do right now and get you closer to your big picture goals, even when you feel blacked out to solutions in the moment. 


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