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Why We Overeat with Maggie Sterling

Dec 30, 2022

New Years Weight Loss resolutions can create some problems. They can cause us to only focus on the outcome, which usually drives us to do things we don't want to do forever in order to acheive the outcome, and this is why we usually quit by the end of January. It's a vicioius cycle. In this episode we talk about what to...

Dec 23, 2022

We're talking about identity and beliefs this week, and how they can effect your potential. When we believe things like "that would never work for me", then of course that will be true for you. Just because you have never done it in the past doesn't mean its impossible. Just because in the past, any time you allow...

Dec 16, 2022

This last week we discovered maggies transformation photos and videos were stolen and being used without permission on weight loss gummy Ads. It's that time of year when the weight loss products are everywhere, and claim to be THE solution to all your weight loss problems. This got us thinking about the money we spend...

Dec 9, 2022

Food cravings are something everyone deals with. When losing weight, they pop up more often. Getting good at handle these cravings, or "urges" as we like to call them, will help us stick to our plan more often. Developing this skill is necessary for losing weight. 

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Dec 2, 2022

This week we talk about using progress as underlying motivation. It feels great to feel like things are working, but what about when it doesn't feel that way, but they are? 


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